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New Arrivals For Spring

FW23 Paris fashion week has just ended, but an edited selection of Babe accessories are already available in Geneva #jillwolfjewels. 70's inspired handcrafted clutches with ornate crocodile closures are perfect for any occasion. Available in assorted colors, a unique design destined to be treasured. Visit to learn more.

秋冬23巴黎時裝周剛剛結束,但精選的 Babe 配飾已經在日內瓦上市#jillwolfjewels。 帶有華麗鱷魚鎖扣的 70 年代風格手工手拿包適合任何場合。 有多種顏色可供選擇,獨特的設計注定值得珍藏。 登錄 了解更多信息。