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A Midsummer Ice Cream

Did you know that since antiquity, semi precious stones have been worn to cool your body in the sweltering summer? Stones such as green aventurine and quartz are a few of the most popular choices. Timeless elegance and hand crafted by artisans with retro-vintage vision. Discover Babe’s latest semi-precious accessories collection and invest in pieces that will never go out of style

您知道嗎,自古以來,就在酷熱的夏季佩戴半寶石來為身體降溫? 綠色砂金石和石英等石頭是最受歡迎的選擇。 永恆的優雅和工匠復古風格的手工製作。 探索 Babe 的最新配飾系列併購買永不過時的商品